var jsonCustomizeDetails = { section : "Military Eagle Plaques", sectionid: "military-plaques-eagles", sections : new Array( ), items : new Array(
{ id: "pn9689", name: "10-1/2 X 13 INCH EAGLE AND AMERICAN SHIELD PLAQUE HOLDS 2 INCH MILITARY INSERT", sku: "PN9689", price: "76", image: "" } ,
{ id: "ps9693", name: "10-1/2 X 13 INCH EAGLE WITH AMERICAN FLAG PLAQUE ON PIANO FINISH CHERRY BOARD", sku: "PS9693", price: "69", image: "" } ,
{ id: "pn7250", name: "8 X 10 INCH PLAQUE WITH DIGITAL PHOTO BLACK SCREENED PLATE", sku: "PN7250", price: "27", image: "" } ,
{ id: "pn8292", name: "8 x 10 INCH WALNUT FINISH GOLD EAGLE PLAQUE WITH BLACK PLATE", sku: "PN8292", price: "39", image: "" } ,
{ id: "pn9688", name: "9 X 12 INCH EAGLE AND AMERICAN SHIELD PLAQUE HOLDS 2 INCH MILITARY INSERT", sku: "PN9688", price: "50", image: "" } ,
{ id: "pn9707", name: "9 x 12 INCH EAGLE AND AMERICAN SHIELD PLAQUE HOLDS 2 INCH U.S. MILITARY INSERT", sku: "PN9707", price: "53", image: "" } ,
{ id: "pn5610", name: "9 X 12 INCH EAGLE PLAQUE WITH BLACK PLATE - MULTIPLE FINISHES", sku: "PN5610", price: "50", image: "" } ) }